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What is the 2021 European adaptation strategy?

The 2021 European Adaptation Strategy sets out how the EU can become climate-resilient by 2050. The impacts of climate change are clearly felt in Europe. Efforts to adapt to climate change are thus becoming increasingly important.

What is the European climate adaptation platform (climate-adapt)?

Other important initiatives at European level include: The European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) is a partnership between the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA). EEA has also published an extensive report on the challenges and opportunities of Climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in Europe.

Why is adaptation important in Europe?

Adaptation has become increasingly important in Europe as most European countries report an increase in public awareness regarding the need for adaptation over the past five years. This issue has reached the national political agenda. On a transnational level, adaptation action is mainly driven by shared natural resources such as transboundary water catchments.

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